Grand Canal


            The Grand Canal of China is the world's oldest and longest canal, far bigger than the next two canals of the world: Suez and Panama Canal.  The building of the canal began in 486 B.C during the WuDynasty.

             It was extended during the Qi Dynasty and later by Emporer Yangdi of Sui Dynasty during six years of intense construction from 605-610 A.D.  The canal is 1,795 KM (1114 miles) long with 24 locks and some 60 bridges.  It was used mostly for transporting goods from one location to another.  The canal was upgraded by the Chinese Communists which gave them easier way's to transport goods.

            As the years passed, more and more transporting and trading occurred using the Grand Canal.The Chinese built better boats to travel and figured easier ways to transport their goods.They made docks to load and unload their spices, clothing and Kung Poa Chicken.Ha,Ha,Ha!    


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Researched by Tony W.